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Persistent jet contrails and weather manipulation – Public talk on geoengineering
Wednesday 12th June
Doors at 7pm // Talk from 7:30pm
Some aeroplane exhaust trails nowadays appear to be very different compared to those seen before the 1990s. They seem to stay in the sky for much longer. Some even spread out to form manmade clouds. Hundreds of people across Somerset, indeed across the world, are now asking: ‘what are those lines in the sky, are they safe and do they influence our weather?’. Many researchers now believe: the ‘lines in the sky’ are persistent jet contrails (chemical trails), not normal aircraft contrails; they are not safe because they contain heavy metals which are making us sick; and yes, they are being used to manipulate our weather. It is a phenomenon that has been linked to the science of geoengineering.
Jack Sant and David Lim have organized a free public talk to help raise awareness of this issue. The talk aims to gently introduce the main themes of geoengineering and weather modification, and to help those better understand the likely challenges we face with our climate, food security and health.