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Frome Stop the War Campaign presents: War……..What is it Good For?
Thursday 26th September
Doors at 7pm // Talk from 7:30pm
Frome Stop the War Campaign asks ‘War, What is it Good For?’ This may be the title of 70’s pop song, but it is also a very relevant question given the world we live in today.
To help unravel some of the aspects of the many wars our country has become involved in this century Frome Stop the War Campaign will be hosting three experts in Western Foreign policy. They will analyse the reasons for the wars undertaken this century particularly in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and the troubles in Palestine and Syria.
Jeremy Corbyn MP, probably the most active anti-war Member of Parliament will be an honoured guest and speaker. He will be accompanied by Dr. Sami Ramadani, Senior Lecturer London Metropolitan University, and refugee from Saddam’s Iraq and political analyst Dan Glazebrook who contributes to Counterpunch, New Statesman, Russia Today and Al Ahram Online.
Why are we seeing some of the longest lasting wars in history? Why are they continuing? Why is the existence of perpetual war acceptable in our society today?
Please come along to an interesting and informative evening.
£5.00 (unwaged £3.00) To pre-book tickets please call 01373-451164
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