Current Events
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Night Sun
Sunday 1st March
Film at 7:30pm // Doors open an hour before
(Italy 1990 directors Paolo and Vittorio Taviani)
Adapted from a novella by Tolstoy and transposed from St Petersburg to Southern Italy, this study of a man who, betrayed by his friends, retreats from society to live an ascetic and solitary life, only to find his faith tested to the limit in the very circumstances he sought to create in order to consolidate it, takes wing in its magnificently evoked setting.
About Rook Lane Film Nights….
Rook Lane Film nights take place every month throughout the year (with breaks for the summer and Christmas), with films starting at 7:30pm or later during the summer months. Alastair hand picks a diverse range of films from the BFI’s collection, seeking out hidden gems and long-lost classics. Ticket prices include food, wine and conversation!
£7 which includes refreshments.