Current Events
Photo|Frome Festival of Photography
Sunday 6th April - Sunday 27th April
open daily 10am to 4pm
This year’s festival builds on 2023’s successful second edition which featured 170+ photographers, enjoying over 13,000 visits, broke venue records, and welcomed attendees from across the UK.
The organisers are committed to using Photo|Frome as a platform to explore important issues from a diverse set of viewpoints. We believe that this year’s theme of ‘InEquality’ is particularly timely:
Rook Lane Chapel, the festival’s central venue, features Joss Barratt’s photography taken whilst working on set with acclaimed director Ken Loach alongside documentary photographers independently working on similar issues as the films. there are major themes drawn from Loach’s films: colonialism and resistance, living conditions and the human spirt, refugees and the welfare state. The “constructed reality” film stills aim to start a conversation with photographers who have covered the same themes in their own way. This includes documentary photography by Susan Meiselas, Nick Hedges, Tish Murtha, Jim Brogden and Roland Ramanan, conceptual work by Paul Seawright and interpretive work by Fast Forward: Women in Photography curated by Anna Fox.
Rook Lane Chapel will also play host to a unique event with acclaimed director Ken Loach and renowned
photographer Susan Meiselas. Ash Khanidikar, Frome resident, magazine editor and arts journalist, will host a conversation with Ken, Susan, and professional photographer Joss Barratt to discuss how photography serves issues be they through fiction or journalism. Expect a fascinating evening, insightful anecdotes and a sharp-witted exchange from some of the very best exponents of their art.
Susan Meiselas notes:
“I’m really looking forward to seeing my Nicaragua pictures exhibited during Photo|Frome 2025 and
talking about them with Ken Loach”. This evening is already SOLD OUT!
• The third edition of the festival includes 14 free exhibitions (indoor and outdoor), talks, workshops,
portfolio reviews, pop-up portrait studio (Faces of Frome), curator tours and more.
• Susan Meiselas, recipient of the Outstanding Contribution to Photography of the Sony World
Photography Awards 2025, will be showing her signature colour reportage work from Nicaragua.
• One of Photo|Frome’s principal installations features Joss Barratt’s photography taken whilst working
on set with acclaimed director Ken Loach alongside documentary photographers independently
working on similar issues as the films, including Susan Meiselas, Nick Hedges and Tish Murtha.
• Photo|Frome will again offer an international Open Photobook Award and the MPB Student Awards.
In 2025, we will also have a new Open Call on the inEquality theme, which has received entries from
across the world.
• MPB Student Awards prizes are vouchers worth up to £500. Photo|Frome is also offering a cash prize
for local entries.
Free Entry