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The Frome Hoard with Sam Moorhead of the British Museum
Monday 4th July
Doors 6:30//Talk 7.00 p.m.
In 2010 a metal detectorist, Dave Crisp, prospecting near Frome found what became known as the Frome Hoard – 52,503 Roman coins. Six years later, with conservation work almost complete, the story that these coins reveal adds to the excitement of the original find. They open a new dimension to a fascinating story of Roman West Country, one of the wealthiest regions in the Roman Empire north of the Alps. The overwhelming significance of the Frome Hoard is the new light that it casts on the life of the emperor Carausius – Britain’s ‘forgotten emperor’.
Dr Sam Moorhead is currently National Finds Adviser for Iron Age and Roman Coins with the Portable Antiquities Scheme at the British Museum and oversees coin finds made across England and Wales. He is writing a major new edition of the Roman Imperial Coinage series for the British emperors Carausius and Allectus. He is currently a Trustee of the Association of Roman Archaeology.
Admission £9.00
Tickets available from the Frome Festival box office.